domingo, 3 de febrero de 2013

Barranquilla cultural capital

1-Barranquilla was chosen as the cultural capital because of the international projection that the city has, also because the positivism that there is in the city and specially becuse of the all the culture around the city.

2-Barranquilla wont recieve any economic benefit. But the city will be promoted in different important channels

jueves, 31 de enero de 2013

An American in Uganda

1- The two points of view are the one from the black man who is a poor person he works for the white man so he pays him and the other side is the white man a person who has money and a good economic situation he has a good job and has what he wants, he thinks that the black man is going to try to take money from him.

2- I think that this happens because the two men have differente lifestyles, one has good education and other doesnt, also they have diferent culture and language so they will never be friends because they live in differente worlds and it doesn matter if they try or dont.

lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

Welcome to my blog

Hello, my name is Daniel Solorzano im 18 years old im studying business administration in universidad del norte im in first semester, I love football and music, I'm from cartagena and I hope you like my blog!